On Why ISO 27001 is not “all about computers”

ISO 27001 is a system to secure information. It includes rules to control how data is handled, assess risks, and set up protection. Who should use it and why?

More than just internet security

In 2020, the value of ISO 27001 Information Management became clear during the shift to remote work. ISO 27001 helps businesses maintain operations during crises by incorporating business continuity and disaster recovery practices. It enhances information security, ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Implementing ISO 27001 enables businesses to identify and mitigate security risks, comply with regulations, and build customer trust.

Misconceptions about ISO 27001

‘It’s all about IT’ No, it is about security of information. And that could be paper based, web ID, ideas, designs, drawings, mobiles, chalkboard… all apply.

‘We already keep information confidential, so ISO 27001 can’t add value’ It’s so much more than just keeping information confidential - it is also about integrity and availability; making sure the level of protection is appropriate whilst keeping information available to those who need access to it. Not always an easy task!

‘It will be too hard to implement with our existing system’ I personally challenge this misconception on all standards. Make them work FOR YOU not the other way around. Management standards require a little bit more initial thought but, in the end, you develop a system that suits you and it will not be difficult to implement, just help improve your existing processes.

How N90 Can Help You

Are you looking for a consultant to help your business with ISO audits? We can help. With our experience and expertise, we specialise in supporting businesses that either want to be ISO accredited or need help with their existing management systems. We’ll make sure your organisation is ready for audits, following the standards throughout the year and have all the correct documentation and evidence available.

By choosing us, we'll always work together to achieve your compliance goals in a positive way - we will guide you towards a successful and harmonious management system that works for your business, not just for the standards.

Why not book instantly now for a free, no obligation, 30 minute call?


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