On the 2024 Emergency Response Guidebook

Good news! The U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration have just published the 2024 Emergency Response Guidebook. It is “intended for use by first responders, during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods“.

This guide is a must-have for anybody transporting dangerous goods and putting in place suitable and sufficient emergency plans, including incident response managers that might be your own employees or external consultants.

road tanker hazardous goods in the countryside

What topics are covered?

Just some of the great information you can find in the 2024 Emergency Response Guidebook:

  • Common safety precautions with hazardous incidents

  • Hazard Classification System inc markings, labels and placards

  • On-scene identification and action plans

  • Advice on protective clothing

  • Fire, spill control and decontamination guides

  • Considerations for Lithuium Battery and Electric Vehicle (EV) fires

  • BLEVE info and precautions

This guidebook is an essential resource for emergency responders, providing crucial information to ensure proper handling of hazardous material incidents and protect public safety.

Get the Free PDF Version of the New Guidebook Now:

How N90 Can Help You

I assist businesses handling Hazardous Goods as a qualified Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA) and provide expertise and experience in creating and testing emergency plans. Why not book instantly now for a free, no obligation, 30 minute call?

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