N90 Consultants

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On Work Related Stress in Your Business

Take this as a good reminder to take some time out to speak to staff and understand any stress issues that they may be having. Did you know that, as an employer, it is your legal duty to prevent stress at work?

The “Health” part of Health and Safety is as much about mental as it is physical health and employers must safeguard their staff's mental well-being. Plus, neglecting stress issues can cause lower productivity, more absences, and a harmful work atmosphere.

How N90 Can Help You

I assist businesses by helping make sure that their Management systems allow a safe place to work for everybody. We tackle and prevent work related stress together by demonstrating good practice, following a step-by-step risk assessment approach:

  • assess the current situation using pre-existing data, surveys and other techniques

  • promote active discussion and working in partnership with employees and their representatives, to help decide on practical improvements that can be made

  • help simplify risk assessment for work-related stress by:

    • identifying the main risk factors

    • helping employers focus on the underlying causes and their prevention

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