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On Modern Slavery in Plain Sight

Crimestoppers has launched a national campaign: Modern slavery in plain sight.

130,000 - Estimated number of people subjected to modern slavery in UK

Modern slavery is happening in our communities, in plain sight, and is deeply intertwined with our lives, without us realising it. People are being coerced and forced into exploitative situations which they can’t refuse or leave, every single day. With the launch of their new campaign, Crimestoppers is asking people to speak up and not remain silent when the criminals are known to them, or if they suspect someone is a victim of modern slavery.

There were 16,938 referrals in 2022 to to the National Referral Mechanism, the UK’s framework for identifying and referring potential victims of modern slavery and ensuring they receive the appropriate support - five times as many as the 3,263 referrals in 2015 when the Modern Slavery Act was passed.

What is Modern Slavery?

Modern slavery takes many forms, including sexual exploitation, forced labour, domestic servitude, debt bondage and forced criminal and commercial sexual exploitation

Essentially, it is the removal of a person’s freedoms, including their freedom to accept or refuse a job or even to leave their employer, in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.

How N90 Can Help You

We all have a responsibility as businesses to ensure that we are making the best choices for the people we employ and those who in our supply chains. I work with businesses all over the UK to review current Right to Work processes and Supplier Evaluation practices to ensure as far as possible that they aren’t unknowingly supporting modern slavery or any other illegal and damaging behaviour.

We also provide Modern Slavery Policies and Supplier Questionnaire / Supplier Evaluation services.

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